Cast iron gate valve

Author:Gate valve     Published time:2019-01-27 09:49     Reading times:940    

Cast iron gate valve introduction

The cast iron gate valve is a kind of gate valve. The manufacturing material is cast iron, so it is called cast iron gate valve. The cast iron gate valve has the characteristics of small flow resistance, high height, long opening and closing time, etc. The disadvantage is that the maintenance is difficult. There are two types of cast iron gate valves: wedge gate gate valves and parallel gate gate valves.

Cast iron gate valve classification

The types of cast iron gate valves can be divided into wedge gate gate valves and parallel gate gate valves according to the sealing surface configuration. The wedge gate gate valves can be further divided into: single gate type, double gate type and elastic gate type; parallel gate type gate valves can be Divided into single gate type and double gate type. According to the thread position of the valve stem, it can be divided into two types: open gate valve and dark gate valve.
