Municipal Valve Types | Applications Drive Choices

Author:     Published time:2017-03-13 14:56     Reading times:1093    

Since municipal systems must provide water suitable for human consumption, the inner linings of valves are typically coated with an epoxy-based material to prevent corrosion. Additionally, valves must be able to withstand the pressure in water mains that can exceed 200 psi. Butterfly valves play a vital role in water systems; whether water is being stored, transported, or treated and distributed.  Butterfly valves are equipped with mechanical, electric, and pneumatic or hydraulic actuators to provide for the automation of water flow systems.

Additionally, water-reducing valves are required by many plumbing codes to further regulate and reduce the pressure from the water main entering buildings and other structures. This ensures a lower level of pressure to the end user than what exists in the water main. This also assists in regulating water usage and waste.

Another common valve type utilized in municipalities is the air valve. Air valves are used to provide protection by exhausting and admitting air to restrict flow during start-up/shut-down operations, power failures or line breaks. When line breaks do occur water shut-off valves also play an important role, allowing for the water to be restricted while repairs are being made.

Ensuring valves and valve use is compliant with regulation affecting efficiency and sustainability is an ever-growing, global concern. Valves used in municipal systems and in all other industrial systems must be sized, packed, and installed in such a way as to prevent fugitive emissions to the highest degree afforded by current technology.

Related recommendation:

DI Disc Resilient Seat Butterfly Valve With Worm Gear

Wafer Type Butterfly Valve With Electric Actuator

Dual Body Combination High Speed Air Vent Valve

Single Opening Exhaust Air Valve
