To Coat Valves or Not to Coat Valves…That is the Question!

Author:     Published time:2017-02-24 17:22     Reading times:1047    

Valves are used to control or moderate flow of gases, liquids, and flurries, and contain pressure. For reasons of economy, manufacturers supply them in a limited range of materials.  Each of these materials is suitable for a limited range of common exposure. The valve is used to control or regulate the flow of gas, liquid and slurry, and contains pressure. For economic reasons, manufacturers supply them in a limited range of materials. Each of these materials is suitable for a limited range of conventional exposure and has the benefit of being readily available within a short time frame. However, for corrosive or corrosive conditions, the user may need special material, which increases the cost and delivery time. The balance between the cost and the likelihood of failure due to corrosion and the practicality of the component must be taken into account; what is the consequence of the failure?

Many coatings, including organic coatings (such as coatings) and inorganic coatings (zinc, chromium, nickel, aluminum and others) are applied to the outer surface to protect these surfaces. However, the inside of the protective valve is a bit tricky because countless factors play a role. Some of these factors include, but are not limited to:

1. Fluid or gas composition and composition, pH, suspended solids, chemical additives;

2. minimum, maximum and nominal temperatures as well as thermal shock or circulation;

3. Maximum and rated design pressure (vacuum or positive pressure);

4. Flow rate, with time and any local turbulence;

5. Operation to use. Is the valve running continuously, intermittently or standby?

6. Improve the criticality of process control.
